Entries in 2014 (1)



A few weekends ago, we went to Canberra for a flying visit. We were giggly and a bit surprised at ourselves, spontaneous overnight trips with a pair of ratty toddlers not being our usual affair. On the way there, we saw a shooting star! "Quick," I told Mr Poppleton, "make a wish."

I wished for something. I just want something, I thought. I was wild to make a wish – it was 11pm and we'd been trying to get around a Kwazy Konvoy of tailgating-lane-swerving-no-limit-observing cars we'd been stuck with for around 40km – but I didn't have a specific wish. So I wished for something.

We had a great time in Canberra and saw lots of really lovely people, and we were home by 630pm. Not even a full day. That night as we were sitting on the sofa, unwinding, kids asleep, my phone buzzed. I had an email:

You've won an award for one of your quilts!

Isn't that something!


Second Place - Traditional Machine Quilted (Amateur) for my quilt Southwest Sunrise, designed, pieced, and quilted by me.

(Pattern forthcoming, once I get half a second to myself to sit down and finish writing it.)

I did not expect to win anything. I'm a second year entrant for heaven's sake! I had many friends win awards for their beautiful, amazing, inspired quilts...and still more who made quilts I was in absolute awe of that didn't get a ribbon. It must be impossible to choose a winner in any category, but I am grateful to have gotten recognition. And I feel so humbled, not just from winning, but because my girlfriends were there to support me, and one took off work and another came as a surprise and I just feel so blessed you know?

Anyway, winning a little pink ribbon flipped on a light bulb for me. This thing I do? It's not just a hobby. And I am not entirely crappy at it pretty great at it!

Anyway, off to bask in my cuteness (I am so cute, look at my little grinning moon face) for a little while longer. I'm already planning the next two years' show quilts. No hope of winning - just the joy of being part of something larger than myself. Contributing to the community.And having fun stitching!

Have a great day everyone!
